Being a fellow Irishman it’s a rare occurrence in which I take a bash at Jonathan Rhys Meyers but sometimes duty calls. First of all, I’ve got to get it out there that I’m quite the fan of Steven Klein’s work (Klein shot the cover) but his Details covers just fail to meet the mark. No better example than this one here. Meyers is contorted in a tad too feminine pose that compromises whatever masculinity he possesses and then broods in a thoroughly fake manner. Secondly, the styling-well-Details may not be the most dynamic of men’s magazines but this is just positively unimaginative. Note also, his tan looks v.suspicious indeed.
This magazine-cover bashing seems to be catching on…
Image from PerezHilton via TFS
This is a terrible cover – i agree. First off, Johnny Rhys looks unappealing w/ facial hair in my view. 2nd: He always has that terrible affected “brooding” like in Matchpoint. He’s not a very good actor…Let the cover bashing continue!
LOL @ “Whatever masculinity he possesses”
Eek got to agree. He is such a good looking man, but this is just one eyebrow tweeze away from being a woman. Like just look at that perfectly manicured goatee thing!
That look is really awful. It’s like something Tony Melillo might have done back-in-the-day for NOVA USA! Bring back Stephan Saban and Annie Flanders and the original Details!
His facial hair is just the last straw for me. Truly awful!
what happened to him?????how did this get published and on the cover? Just look at all the hair coming out everywhere and the general eww-ness.