Lest you think I’m an insatiable facial hair fanatic, what with posts like this, and the beard-fest that is this, cropping up of late, consider this a more photography-focused post, rather than another toast to whiskers.

Following on from Jonathan Daniel Pryce’s immensely successful 100 Beards, 100 Days, Irish photographer Seán Jackson was commissioned by men’s grooming giant Gillette, to scour the streets of Dublin for similarly bearded and uniquely dressed men. The resultant series of 100 portraits formed ‘Capturing the City’ and ‘On the Street’, two exhibitions recently housed at the city’s Gallery of Photography. Somewhere between candid street-style shots and portraiture, Jackon’s impressive body of work presents an array of arresting personalities, while paying homage to the Dublin man’s modern love affair with his facial hair.
Above-centre is impeccably dressed and is unquestionably bringing the beard realness, but above-right and far below-centre’s jumper are spot-on style-wise – who’s hit the nail on the head for you?

Learn more about ‘Capturing the City’ & ‘On the Street’ | See more from Seán Jackson
oh nice one, not actually seen this one. i reckon my fav style here would be top middle and second down far left