

February 22, 2010
Just a note to the effect that I’m off to London tomorrow for a spot of menswear-gawking. Still haven’t packed. Wish me luck and see you back here in a few days to drool over AW10 action.

I leave you with shots from the lookbook of Lee (Alexander) McQueen’s final collection for McQ, which screams London in a delightful punk/skin/f*ck you way.
b7419 mcqss103
21375 mcqss102
a6e0d mcqss101
Images from Refinery29
  • John Malvin February 23, 2010 at 6:54 am

    I miss him already. I can't wait for your London updates!

  • Mat February 23, 2010 at 10:01 pm

    i look forward to it, wish i could be there. i so nearly was…