Spending more time studying the notion of the ‘abject’ and its application to the Horror genre of film, than researching possible Halloween outfits is no fun at all. Well, not exactly, we do get to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre as part of the case-study but it still means I’m currently costume-less.
Like unwavering self-confidence, blissful ignorance and pocket money, the ardour for Halloween costume-construction is something that many of us lose following that rude awakening – the transition from childhood to adolescence. I might take an avid interest in putting together what to wear during my daily life but when it comes to All Hallows’ Eve I’m don’t compare to gothic-obsessed childhood-self since I never fail to be stupidly busy at this time of year. This year, though, I’m at least attempting to conceive an idea, which has been partly inspired by American Apparel Dublin’s Halloween Party theme (Zombies and Cheerleaders) and the Margiela so-covetable-it’s-maddening gear Joe of 00o00 posted recently…

^ Martin Margiela AW08 nylon padded jacket.
From the AW08 collection, the jacket could perhaps make the perfect fusion of zombie/cheerleader in that it directly references the below-pictured as well as being an all ’round superb piece of outerwear artistry.

^ Stills from MJ’s Thriller
Yes I know neither he (MJ), nor his gurl, are cheerleaders but it’s got the whole teen-terror theme going on and he does become somewhat zombified by the end of the video so I reckon it’s justified (plus Margiela’s no longer designing at MM so it’d be in keeping with the ‘dead’ aspect…actually, no, that’s stretching it too far…). But the making is in the combining the jacket with – I’m currently thinking – a white slashed tee or vest, some scuffed jeans and hi-tops perhaps?
Do note that this won’t actually be my costume unless someone leaves me something of significant worth in their will between now and Thurs. What have you got planned for the sartorial screamfest?
Images from BryanBoy, The Daily Mail and Fake Hustle
Well in an entirely boring turn of events, I have to mind my house from robbers as my parents are away and we live next to a graveyard. However, I find Halloween SO difficult: a lot of my friends go down the sexy route, so I haven't gone out in years – I refuse to be the one fat girl in the room who's dressed scary (not that I consider myself fat but everyone thinks that's why you're dressed scary when you're surrounded by Playboy bunnies and French maids). So I avoid. So cowardly, I know.
Rosemary: No I really don't think it is cowardly. More and more of my friends (and some other bloggers, too) are lamenting the reinvention of Halloween as a celebration fit only for tacky, overtly sexy get-ups. I mean, there's nothing wrong with imbuing your costume with a little sex if you want to but latex nurse outfits and the lace french maid need to be binned.Enjoy yours whatever way you spend it!/Male-Mode.com
wow that margiela is indeed very billie jean! now we know where MMM got his inspiration from!
best of luck with the costume. all else fails, whip out your shades, good suit, baby powder your hair, and go as uncle karl lagerfeld.xx-LJ from SOS!