Male Muse: Charles Guislain.

August 21, 2009
Up at a godawful hour to shave, slick, dress etc. before heading to a cousin’s signing-herself-away (read: wedding) which is to be held in a castle of some sort so the extra time is required to make some kind of coherent decision on appropriate attire.
Just briefly before I go to battle I thought I’d enquire as to whether anyone’s any more the wiser regarding the below-pictured fellow? From the little I’ve extracted from the modest features scattered across teh interweb, Charles Guislain is a 16(?) year old French garcon with a passion for Romain Kremer and a fondness for Hedi-era Dior Homme/Margiela androgyny. Diane of ASVOF has taken quite the shine to this fresh-faced show-goer who has set his sights on no less than elite academy CSM for training in the art once he’s done with school. Despite not finding his style that groundbreaking/impressive, it’s undoubtedly very much his own.
b75c2 charlesguislainthemalcolm
^ A somewhat edgier gender-bending chic. Love the dramatic lapel that looks as though it could perhaps double-up as a murder weapon.

9ead4 charlesguislainjakjil
^ The Jeanne d’Arc haircut is both French-inspired and fashion-forward. Not entirely in love with the polka-dot cape (CdG? anyone know…?) but asymmetry never fails.

^ Divulging thoughts on Paris menswear to Diane of ASVOF.

61cfb charlesguislainjakjil1
^ With the ‘Dam/Mykro Mag troupe and working booties better than Jean-Paul Paula.

cdb78 charlesguislainbutchreggie
^ Deconstructed and kimono-inspired. ‘Nuff said.

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^ Am admiring the black-on-black while overlooking the too-tired second-skin jeans.
Still, though, do you recall having the cash to burn on Rick Owens, Margiela and YSL when you were in your mid-teens?
Images (from top) from The Malcolm, Jak & Jil, ASVOF, butch & reggie
  • Rene Schaller August 21, 2009 at 8:27 am

    no plaese… he's just thin guy with a lot depressions. he need's some good food and a little bit more sun!

  • blogee August 21, 2009 at 5:42 pm

    I don't even have the cash to spend on those designers now! Where do those kids get their money?I do love this guy though, talk about dedicated to fashion.-Catherine

  • Mat August 23, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    yeah hes getting around and hes got a striking look and is very very lucky

  • Blank Label August 23, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    rough comment from Rene.I sympathize with blogee about not having money.and Mat i agree that he is lucky. sometimes you strike gold. he does have a bold look. but his fame will only get the worst of him. especially at this age where he probably isn't mature enough to appreciate his luck and his gift. hopefully he can and will be humble rather than believe he is entitled because of his gift.but other than that. this kid has style. the looks definitely are not for the massed, but they are good looks.

  • James August 24, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    obviously his parents have more money than god, but he's clearly serious about fashion, and definitely makes a nice change from how most rich kids dress.

  • גרסונייר1 August 30, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    Hey – why all the bad comments? He is a sweet guy interested in fashion. if he happens to spends thousand of dollars on his wardrobe, let him be. He does it perfectly, and with a personal twist. I'm envy of that guy – he loves fashion and he seems so natural with everything around him, and I'm sure he'll grow up to be an important figure in the industry. Charles, we love you.

  • Anonymous August 31, 2009 at 3:14 am

    the boy is much more interesting…and doesn't have rick owens or margiela

  • Jeanne September 26, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    Charles has an amazing glow! Really shinny aura.He's got plenty of style. His look is almost unreal.I like him a lot. He fits perfectly on the new fashion trends and reduced silhuettes.Just hope he's got good people arround him.

  • Comme Il Faut October 12, 2009 at 10:46 am

    The polka-dot cape is Margiela, btw.

  • Obertra November 7, 2009 at 11:43 pm

    If he slums it to Londres, as is his wont to further his fashion studies, he'll need to dress down a teensy bit. Otherwise, present Anglo-Saxon barbarians will doubtless ‘tear him apart’ for being a too-much-in-yer-face “baby-fag” Or, was it “fag-baby” I read that a critic referred to him as such? I suggest, he goes fully prepared to Britain with a more, shall we say, ‘Boudica look’…Blue woad smeared on face, horned hat and, always, with a screeching demeanour. That should dispel any suspicion and threats from the British he will meet that Charles is anywhere near being an oddball. Good Luck to him.

  • Thommie November 17, 2009 at 9:17 am

    Obertra, dearest… Was the last time you were in England in the 1970s? Because you managed paint a picture worthy of an Alan Clarke film.London is the city of 'oddballs', it always has been. I see many boys in outfits, not dissimilar to those of our beloved Charles, tottering about the streets on a regular basis. In fact, I was and still am one of those boys! I've rarely had anyone bat an eyelid.Granted, London may be one of the few bastions of odd in England but such a situation is nothing unique to this country. London has been a centre of creative innovation for generations, incontestably in the area of fashion. That is the reason CSM has the international reputation that is attracting monsieur Guislain after all. I, and many others, will welcome him with open arms. (If Hedi doesn't want him, I will.) Stop trying to scare the poor boy away.I recommend a trip back to London; lots of things have changed in the past thirty years. We don't even get hanged for fancying boys these days.If you live in London…well…I reckon it's time to wander outside Peckham.Tx

  • Obertra November 18, 2009 at 12:03 am

    Precisely, Thommie!I know you really know I have been (am) ever-so tongue in cheek with my comment(s) seeing as I readily observe Boudica Britain as supremely oddballish when it comes to what they, in Britland do and wear…That’s why I suggest Charlie matches ‘them’ before he steps ashore; if he hasn’t done so already?In any case…am intrigued by your references to ‘Alan Clark film’ (of which, at my intolerant age, should be familiar?) Was he in the Conservative Gov who later wrote notorious diaries…? Or, was that another Alan Clarke..?and as for Peckham…?Suspect you are quite a snoopy know-it-all who may have an editing track somewhere along the line.Oo

  • Thommie November 21, 2009 at 10:07 pm

    Roberta, I know you are simply toying with me, and I hope you take my playful condescension in the same spirit.I do wish I had been referring to the slimy, ex-Conservative MP Alan Clark: I think his take on prison thugs, skinheads, and football hooligans would have been hilariously ill-informed. (Sadly, I was actually referring to Alan Clarke, director of ‘Scum’, ‘Made in Britain’ and ‘The Firm’. Probably, quite an obscure reference for a non-Briton but only an IMDb search away.)I am somewhat touchy on the subject of modern British barbarism. We have received incredibly bad press on the subject. However, I cannot say that we aren’t deserving of such scorn. I was born and raised in a particularly unlearned area of the country and had quite a hard time of things for wearing anything but a shell suit and, the modern-day equivalent of woad, the Burberry baseball cap.I’m a fresh graduate (photographer, theorist/critic, ex-model…also looking for a real job *hint hint*) and have only managed to escape that kind of mentality in recent years. The feeling of being spat on and having bricks thrown at me as I walk down the street in my Hedi-accented outfits is still rather clear in the memory.As I said before, London is one of the last places where the enlightened far outnumber the unlearned, and have free rein to do/wear whatever they so please. For this reason, I am incredibly protective of it. Even in jest, I think you hit a nerve… Why pay for a shrink when I can talk to Rob?But, back on subject: Charles Guislain.Yay!TxP.S. Aussi, si n'importe qui de Peckham lit ceci (qui ne sont pas des fanatiques de ‘Only Fools and Horses’) et est en désaccord avec mon dédain pour lui, je serai heureux de faire des excuses. En particulier, pour mon Français faible.

  • Obertra December 2, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    Vergeef alstublieft mij indien ik uw onschuld betwist…Nog, kan niet ik, maar kom, een kerel (of belle) bijeen die ouder of jonger is. Wie kan vertellen?

  • Jeaniuss December 27, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    I <3 charles

  • Florent January 2, 2010 at 8:42 am

    For seing him on the shows, he seems to me like a very gentle young man, with an incredible attitude and style. He never snobs a streetstyler and you can tell he just dresses like that all the time. It's somehow cool to see someone actually wearing those pieces I thought to be unwearable ha ha !I wish I had, even now, the means to purchase such items…

  • Obertra February 20, 2010 at 1:31 am

    We need an update as 2 Charles's visitations dressed in his finery. Will he be attending British Fashion Week?(Lee R.I.P.)

  • Diane May 30, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Haters to the left…

  • Diane May 30, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    Haters….to the left!

  • Anonymous November 6, 2010 at 1:34 am

    WOW! The guy (Charles Guislain) rolls his eyes, cocks his head and speaks English with a drawling, punctuated attractive French accent when eulogising about dresses…Like he's on some kind of wonder-trip. Yeeks! I want some of that to help me through my tedious 9-5 working-day sewing interminable dreary sequins onto catwalk gowns. There's a sense of coercion and accepted complicity between She who snared him and He sipping a glass of dark tinkly Pernot. He's definitely caught up in a whirlwind of internet photography and recording in his trying out all sorts of dresses for men. Me? If I wore a man-dress I'd look a right old frump who needed to shave.

  • Hotel MariaCarla August 20, 2011 at 12:25 am

    I adore him.He really is a muse!I hope this guy will be influent enough to make slim body and clean features still fashonable.I really don't like the rough style with bear an moustache they all look a little dirty.He is really stylish and gorgeous.

  • Anonymous July 6, 2012 at 6:11 pm

    Hi cape is by Martin Margiela actually. I have the pull over top in the same fabric.