Lynx, Lovefoxxx and a ‘Short Dick Man’.

July 24, 2009
Not entirely menswear-related but necessary nonetheless. I think I’m still recovering from what was rather a delectable night at the Lynx Fever Beach party. A whirlwind of half-naked models (female…sigh…but v. impressive regardless. I don’t think I was the only fag to be a touch mesmerised – much to my genuine surprise – by all the beauty on show), icy-cool caipirinhas, photo-booths and general Brazilian-themed debauchery. Oh, and Lovefoxxx.

Which was, for those of you who know me well, more than a pleasure. Post-free caipirinhas she popped on stage spritelike to rapturous applause and proceeded to dish out some of the best tracks of the night including (can’t recall exactly if some of these were remixes/altered versions or originals…blame the Cachaça) Gwen Stefani’s ‘What You Waiting For?’, Hole’s ‘Celebrity Skin’, Pixies’ ‘Tame’ and a newfound personal favourite, 20 Fingers feat. Gillette’s ‘Short Dick Man’.


The set did lack a certain expected something though (namely Let’s Make Love…or even Alala) and when I got the chance to ask just why (much thanks to Colin of Trendspot and the rest of the Thinkhousers for the introduction!) the pint-sized princess of CSS-fame replied that she simply forgot. Needless to say I didn’t hold it against her, but instead continued to have my fanboy moment and compliment her new bitchin’ bob while she showed a polite appreciation for my shoddily crafted homage to both herself and ‘I <3' shirts…

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The cotton, leather and masking-tape abomination itself.

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What I wore on the night – jeans by Gap, deck shoes by Topman.

Much thanks to Lynx, Thinkhouse and Lovefoxxx for a more than memorable night.

  • Chewy (Thinkhouse) July 24, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    Glad you enjoyed Cillian, were you holding out for some CSS action?A collective TH fave of the night was 'Ass N' Titties' by DJ Assault. She deffo pulled out all the rudies for us.See ya soon.

  • JaviJavi Air July 24, 2009 at 4:37 pm

    brb drowning in jealousy 🙁