Sovereign Beck Beckons…

June 19, 2008
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Ties, ties, ties. I can’t help but admit it can be a love-hate relationship. With ties – from my own experience – there are two distinct extremes. On one hand one has the conservative, fat [and no, that is not a tie-body-fascist comment], blandly patterned/coloured group which one finds in such dreary department stores such as Debenhams, Penneys [the Irish Primark] and M&S sported by corporate types and their ilk. These ties bore me to no end.

Then, there’s the abundance of skinny supplied by trend-led, hipster stores such as Topman and the like. These are – more often than not – some cheap, brash shade of red or black or perhaps, if you’re terribly lucky, a tacky silver, and may be smothered with some typically-‘Topman’ pattern e.g. stars or in a graphic check. These are ubiquitous.

Now, I don’t constantly detest the aforementioned but there are times when I wish we were offered more – and no, vintage tartan abominations don’t count. So I was pleasantly surprised by this lot which I feel combine the requisite smartness of shape – being sufficiently broad but not overly so – and inventive, attractive colouring/patterns. They’re by Sovereign Beck Ties, based in NY an enterprise led by Ryan and Will.

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  • susie_bubble June 19, 2008 at 9:13 am

    Patterned ties can be very very wrong but I’m liking these ones….

  • TheSundayBest June 19, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    Sovereign Beck are excellent. I’m liking what Modern Amusement is doing with ties as well.

  • selina June 19, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    i love guys in ties, it just shows that extra effort has been made. i love scarfs tucked in pockets too

  • riz June 22, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    My bf hates ties!! – Btw, any word on the men’s shows??

  • erik July 12, 2008 at 9:46 am

    the lbue one is dazzlingly beautiful