
More MAN

January 25, 2008
The philanthropic bodies, Fashion East and Topman, will once again collaborate to produce yet another MAN show this coming February. Judging by previous extraordinary events bursting with the ideas and innovations of London’s underground elite, this year is set to knock sox off. Guaranteed. Three new bright, young additions have been made to the line-up.

One of the latest additions to the line-up is the brainchild of über zany, strikingly streetwise, Super Super phenomenon – Kesh. She’s an undisputed fox, DJs, designs, frequently flaunts her editorial skills and has been photographed for *insert appropriate so-cool-it-hurts mag title* a very many times. Some keshirts offer some klues as to what we can anticipate…

77766 keshirt1

ca265 keshirt2

Despite possessing a name reminiscent of a certain fairy-tale fanatic I hold in high regard, Hans Christian Madsen, also adores the “rebel-youth” culture of the 50s, the Brandos and Deans etc. and designs with these figures in mind. A Dazed Digital interview is available here and although unmistakably succinct provides an intriguing insight into the mind of this Danish RCA graduate. And er…you’d better follow that link as he has proved himself somewhat google-elusive.

1c634 hanschristianmadsen dazeddigital

The final menswear virtuoso to show will be James Long, yet another google ghost, unfortunately.

Here’s to LDN menswear.

Images from Myspace and Dazed Digital

  • Cate January 26, 2008 at 11:52 am

    ahhh the “rebel-youth” culture of the 50s was great. although all the 50s’ rebels were still neatly combed, and there wasn’t a peck of dust on their flawlessly polished shoes. the 50s knew very well how to tame their rebels.

  • susie_bubble January 26, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    I’m looking forward to seeing the latter two designers…. Kesh however…. I’m sorry…. just no…

  • MR style January 26, 2008 at 9:13 pm

    kesh designs are really cool too !! she has a very cool style

  • Dustcakeboy January 27, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Susie: Agreed, albeit to an extent. Nu-rave and the idiosyncrasies of London’s Boombox creative crowd seem that bit tired by now and Kesh seems to draw heavily from them. I just hope Kesh has more to offer, her personal style can be top at times and I hope she brings this innate individuality to her menswear…and more than just…keshirts./DCB.

  • riz January 27, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    I love Dazed Digital …which reminds me I haven’t read it for a while!

  • the childcatcher January 28, 2008 at 10:03 am

    i enjoy your blog, may i link you?let me know if not, for i will nayway in the meantime :)xo

  • Thomas January 28, 2008 at 9:07 pm

    Confused as to why you call them “philanthropic.” Please fill in the gaps in my knowledge.

  • Dustcakeboy January 28, 2008 at 10:04 pm

    childcatcher: I’d be flattered, thanks for reading.thom: Well, you got me there in a sense. I should really have refrained from deeming Topman philanthropic since the whole stunt is a PR ploy and although they are donating time and money to the cause, it’s bound to aid with sales and profits too.However, Fashion East, an initiative established by one esteemed Colin McDowell is most definitely a helping hand to upcoming talent, providing complete show production, free venue, cash prize etc. etc.Hope that’s been somewhat informative. ; )/DCB.