Since the likes of Susie Bubble, Jane Aldridge, and Tavi et al. have made it big via blogging, the fashion industry has seen a sizeable increase in the number of blogs focusing on the subject. Great – fashion becomes increasingly accessible and the internet provides a platform on which Average Joes and Janes are capable of voicing their unending praise, severe criticism or mere apathy. Not so great – half-arsed bloggers pain themselves to generate some generic blog name, publish a few posts in the hopes of scoring show invites or freebies and promptly abandon ship when they realise it requires some semblance of genuine passion/interest. Not so, with the girls of Blaubushka.
A solid team of Eliza J (bringing her admin expertise) and Blau von T (providing wit, whimsy, and good face), Blaubushka rewards its readers with daily posts on everything from vintage fashion and timeless style icons to tunes and indie film. Naturally enough, I caught up with Blau to discuss her musings on menswear.
Describe the look you’d don were you male rather than female.
I would probably end up being some sort of ‘arrogant dapper grunge’; all cravat, dirty plaid and attitude. More likely I’d swagger through the city like an indie art house sailor. As it is, my wardrobe is approximately 75 per cent sailor inspired; navy, grey, sailor suits, anchors and amulets. So think loafers, fitted navy chinos with rolled up ends, Breton stripe tee, open shirt (if I were a daring man I’d risk the pattern clash and try an opened shirt in subtle gingham) and the smell of sea salt in my beastly locks. I also have a secret thing for really trashy tattoos so no doubt the male me would actually go the whole hog and get an anchor tatt. Quite the catch really.

Blau in her menswear-inspired attire. Photography: Cian Daly. Cardigan from Zara, lace body and culottes from Topshop.
What do you think are the fundamental differences between menswear and womenswear? Can you imagine any advantages to being male when it comes to dressing oneself?
In a way I think it’s much easy for a man to be considered well-dressed than it is for a woman; perhaps because of less competition, but also it’s much easier to get the basics right and to stand out from the crowd. For example, I was sitting across from a man on the Tube; looking very professional in a well tailored yet demure suit and brogues yet had paired the ensemble with shocking blood red socks and I sat there fashion perving on his socks that perfectly complimented the tiny red detailing of his tie. So simple yet effective and I think that that’s the upper hand menswear has over women’s; the immense possibility of twisting a classic with such a minute change in an outfit.
Is there a particular designer you’re willing would start creating womenswear/Do you have a favourite menswear designer?
Blaubushka co-blogger and administrative extraordinaire, Eliza J, introduced me to Alexander Olch; indie film director, neck accessory designer and owner of one of my favourite fashion quotes:
‘So I’d say to anyone who tries to avoid talk of style and clothes, that we are all swept up in the same winds whether we like it or not. For even those who take the boldest steps possible to step aside, to set themselves apart, in the end are rained on by the same water — that to stay out of style requires a deep understanding of what is in.’
His collections are made in fine silk, cashmere, wool, cotton and corduroy and have a real air of luxury and the debonair about them. I absolutely adore his newest collection and pieces for Opening Ceremony. I believe it was Faye Dunaway who said of Theodora van Runkle scarves “until I met Theodora, clothes had just been part of the job” and I think Olch would have a similar impact on the world of women’s silk scarves.
Alexander Olch Ties
Do you have a male style icon?
I’m a big fan of Pete Doherty; he wanders, he rambles, he saunters about like a forlorn hero from some long forgotten movie of the 1920s. He looks like he rolled out of bed and just fell through a vintage store. I’m also a huge fan of male blogger Adrián Cano. I love his use of hats and the way he weaves the colour red through his outfits. I don’t think the average man takes proper advantage of the wide colour pallete – I mean they don’t all have to be Chuck Bass but colour isn’t something to be afraid of.
What do you think men should wear more?
Braces, bowler hats, bow ties and rugged beards; they’re all great classics that can be very underrated in their power. I also can’t remember the last time I passed someone who was wearing a handkerchief in their pocket. This is where I now reveal my glaringly obvious obsession with Charlie Chaplin. If a man is ever in doubt just think -‘what would Charlie Chaplin wear?’.
^ Comic genius and style icon, Charlie Chaplin.
i admire her understanding of menswear despite being all girly. and even if her taste in men's fashion is not the same as mine, i have to agree in her opinion about the classics.
What a little genius! I whole-heartedly agree!!
What would Charlie Chaplin wear? hahah this is so true! PERFECT template for a mans appearance!