Since it’s been an age and a half since I’ve given editorial some love on this blog, I thought it high time to feature some fash-mag photographic goodness. The theme? Barmy Joker-esque make-up, of course. I kid I kid, it just so happens that two of Summer 2010’s top-notch fashion stories feature grotesque painted faces that you’d usually associate with the touring circus rather than the pages of two of the premiere Euro fashion publications.
First up: Feld Hommes. I’ve known the name for years but have never actually managed to root through (we’re talking visually here since I’ve only seen this material online) its contents despite intending to source it somewhere on many an occasion due to its being German and my being a student of Deutsch. Having seen this ed. I now have ample incentive. Entitled, Der Vorhang ist gefallen, or The curtain has fallen, this story sees Mark Cox and Adrien Brunier of Viva styled by Marcell Naubert in everything from sheer Raf Simons and fire-engine red Wooyungmi specs to classic Valentino Homme and mesh Prada.

^ Der Vorhang ist gefallen from Feld Hommes Sommer ’10 (Photography: Twin-Shotone, Styling: Marcell Naubert)
Having employed my subpar German it seems this ed. is based on Greek mythology with mentions of Narcissus, Medusa, and Mephistopheles. The Germans always have had a knack of marrying brains with beauty.
Unfortunately, that’s as far as my knowledge of European languages extends. Italian Enough magazine, from which the next ed. highlight is taken, is pretty much incomprehensible to me. No matter, since this editorial speaks in images alone. This, from what I’ve gleaned, is taken from the second issue of this Italian mag and features Francisco Lachowski styled by Luca Stefanelli in lots of slate grey, shimmering black and nude tones. Oh, and tasseled trousers – as you do. Despite the rather amusing formulation of some of these poses, you can’t really deny that they’re showing the clothing in the best light possible.
Photography: Domenico Cennamo, Styling: Luca Stefanelli, Hair: Noelia Corral, Make-up: Tiziana Raimondo.
Images from The Fashionisto
great images!