I would apologise for the noticeable lull in bloggage this past week but I thought I’d be frank and divulge that I’m now interning for a rather spectacular London-based designer and, well, if a job’s worth doing, (even if it is for free) then it’s worth doing right, right?
Thus, since I’ve been occupied penning press releases, lugging looks to stylists who live on the other side of the city, compiling databases of press and Japanese buyers etc., I’ve not really had the time to even contemplate blogging. Still, I felt this brief post was deserved of a half an hour of composition.
While sat in the studio writing sentences, deeming them not half bad and, then, subsequently considering them fairly shitty and re-wording them, Friendly Fires‘ amazeballs song, Paris, began to play on someone’s laptop. Now, this song has some significance for me (albeit nothing to do with the French capital) since it never fails to remind me of my first year at college, drunkenly swaying in Dublin’s Crawdaddy at the – now defunct – club night, Antics, reveling in the fact that I’d finally left the bogs of Ireland for civilisation.

Moreover – and on a more superficial level – it reminds me of the admirable style of FF front-man, Ed MacFarlane. A style which could be called a mash-up of traditionalist pieces with indie sartorial quirk, MacFarlane teams grandad knit vests with short-sleeve shirts or dons a scoop-neck graphic knit with a pair of powder blue jeans. Doesn’t look half bad in a check double-breasted suit, either. All in a day’s work.

^ Love drummer Jack’s PVC-looking jacket here, too.
"reveling in the fact that I'd finally left the bogs of Ireland for civilisation."ah that sounds familiar, but now don't forget that there are still some stylish people in the bogs now you're in london :Pnever listened or even heard of these guys but i like the leads style, its a bit rockabilly in the first picture. congrats on internship!
hot hot hot