Rain. It’s the bane of the Irish population and, perhaps, the reason we’re not exactly the most world-renowned fashion savvy race. Here, it’s the brave man who tackles the downpours in his new suede boots or double-breasted cable knit. It’s as though the accursed climate of this country doesn’t want us donning anything other than a Nike mac and a pair of wellies.
Of course, if you were at all intelligent (which, I’m assuming you’ve gathered by now, I’m not really) you’d consider purchasing an umbrella before stepping outside (I’ve not…yet) and submitting yourself to sheet after sheet. You’d not only make your way from A to B unscathed by the incessant waterfall but also find yourself equipped with an additional statement-making accessory. Umbrellas aren’t merely for inducing envy in the sodden, they’re also an aid in communicating your style.
I refer you to Men’s Flair’s brief but undeniably informative discussion of the umbrella, and also to the below which I’ve rounded up from various online retailers. Save your hair and your sanity.
^ Fulton Huntsman
Fulton Umbrellas – Best for those of you after a tried-and-true black or grey. Fulton also collaborate with designers but it’s moreso been of benefit for women. As per.

^ Schirm Oertel Fox Stripes

^ Schirm Oertel sterling silver handle
Schirm Oertel – Somewhat more ornate and ostentatious, this German brand offer more in the way of patterns for the nylon covering and multiple choices regarding the handle. Sterling silver, anyone?

^ James Smith & Sons
James Smith & Sons – Manufacturing with great care since 1830, this company seems equally concerned with quality and style. FYI, they’ve made a stick in every English wood available, which totals over 70.
Note: Oh, and don’t go psycholanalysing either. Phallic empowerment, I assure you, this is not.
Images from Regenschirme, James Smith and Fulton
i have two umbrellas, a mini fulton one in navy and a standing one with wooden handle from marks. they are a must