Firstly, the luxe of two-tone blazers juxtaposed with the casual ease of graphic-patterned trousers or combined with plenty more edgy, tailored-wear – all courtesy of Heath by St. Martins’ grad Gentaro Noda. I’m yearning to wear the two-tone grey/black-lapels blazer with the two-tone trousers for two, captivating dimensions of colour.
Then @Izreel‘s (this label by Kanagawa native Kazuhiro Takakura) urban affairs infused with scholar-chic. Am enamoured of that grey knit and there are no words for this zig-zag cut with asymmetric panels apart from: thumbs up for yet more two-tone. Perhaps the styling was a little weak but the blazer (plus the addition of the perfectly placed skinny bowtie) itself more than redeems the look.

Images from Japan Fashion Week
That Heath stuff is nice.I wish I was fortunate to just go to New York on a whim,Opening Ceremony have a floor packed full of japanese designers.Lad Musician + John Lawrence Sullivan being of particular interest(hopefully they upload on the webstore in time for sales)
I’m reserving a great deal of anticipation for the images to the Song Zio collection which I still haven’t seen but Heath was pretty impressive. Practical, smart, and full of lovely details.
the contruction of the suits is sharp..xx-LJ from SOS!
that last outfit is savage
Oh,love the last pic.I like his outfit.;D Great post.
i think i want the blaser at the top myself. eek!SOS-er fi xx
totally love the last outfit